Be Our Supplier - Scrapped Tyres, Rubber Crumbs

Scrap Tyre Collection and Disposal

We are a GWDF-licensed facility that can accept disposal of scrap tyres.  More importantly, we are 100% committed to end-of-life management of your scrap tyres.  This means that ALL of your scrap tyres would be processed at our facility and we would NOT be re-threading or on-selling the scrap tyres overseas.  

We also provide a paid reporting service upon request should you require proof / certificate that your tyres have been processed accordingly.  

Be our Rubber Crumb Supplier

At Global Enviro, we also believe in buying your scrap tyre derived rubber crumbs.

To do so, we wish to provide like-minded tyre management operators with a viable sales opportunity.  We can enable your operations by providing a plug-and-play scrap-tyre-to-crumbs solution and offer  offtake for the pre-pyrolysed tyre crumbs.  In doing so, we contribute to the establishment of an effective tyre recycling supply chain.

With every ton of scrap tyre derived rubber crumbs that we pledge to buy from suppliers all around the world, we divert the scrap tyres from landfills and instead convert them into precious recovered carbon black that has a zero-emission, closed loop pathway into tyre manufacturing and other applications.

Get in touch

If you would like to speak to us about becoming our supplier of scrap tyre rubber crumbs / or regarding rates and how to arrange for collection of scrap tyres from your location, please contact us