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19 Jun 2024 –  Global Enviro is proud to be a founding member of Sembcorp’s Closed-Loop Partners Network, the first-of-its-kind platform in Singapore aimed at fostering industry partnerships to advance a circular economy. This aligns with Singapore’s ambition to become a zero-waste nation. The Network aims to bridge the supply and demand gap for recycled feedstock by fostering collaboration among recycling service providers and enabling customers to recycle through innovative waste management solutions.  

For Global Enviro, we commit to our philosophy that any scrap tyre that made its way to our Loyang facility would not end up being exported overseas to become a tyre-derived fuel in form of tyres or oil.  We believe in that with our plasma pyrolysis process, we are able to close the loop for scrap tyres, converting scrap tyres into recovered carbon black (rCB) that can be utilised in new tyre manufacturing, therefore reducing the industry’s dependence on virgin carbon black.  In doing so, we are also minimising the scrap tyres to be polluting the environment – either via incineration or landfills. 

Refer to Sembcorp’s press release for more details.